Journée de la Mobilité Internationale de l'EUR ELMI

  • International
Published on September 19, 2024 Updated on September 19, 2024

on the November 14, 2024


Campus Saint Jean d'Angely

During International Mobility Day, students interested in international mobility will be able to gather all the information they need about destinations, partner universities, advice on how to put together an application file, and find out about the various grants available, all at an information meeting and dedicated stands.

Administrative details and application procedures will be specified on the day.
International students currently attending our university will also be on hand to talk about their countries.

12:00 to 13:00: Information meeting - Amphi 3 
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.: Information stand on exchange programs and financial aid - Avant-Scène RDC
 For further information, please contact our International Relations Department