Mobility scholarship

International students who are interested in the academic programs of Université Côte d'Azur can apply for different types of financial aid, such as Erasmus+ scholarships or scholarships from the French Government.

Erasmus + Scholarship

Erasmus+ scholarships are the most common. To obtain this aid, there must first be an Erasmus+ partnership between the student's home university and Université Côte d'Azur. Students who wish to apply for it are therefore strongly advised to contact their home university.

French government Scholarship 

The French Government offers aid opportunities of scholarships to a large number of international students studying in France. All of these scholarships are described on the Campus France website.
The French Government, through the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, offers an Excellence scholarship each year, known as the Eiffel Scholarship. 
The Eiffel scholarship was designed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help French higher-education institutions attract the best foreign students at master's and doctorate level.

For international Students applying at « École Universitaire de Recherche d'Économie et de Management »

  • Eiffel Scholarship: Excellence scholarship from the French government du for international students.
The 2023/2024 Campaign organised by Campus France is open!

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program was established by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract top foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD programs.

It gives opportunity to the future foreign decision-makers of the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and encourages applicants up to 25 years old (born after 31st  March 1997) from developing countries at master’s level, and applicants up to 30 years old (born after 31st March 1992) from developing and industrialized countries at PhD level.

The document "Règlementation" must be consulted by each applicant in order to verify if you meet the eligibility conditions.

IMPORTANT : This process concerns only the training of « École Universitaire de Recherche d'Economie et de Management ». Consult the list of training here.

How to apply ?

You have to contact the International Relations Office by email indicating which level of study you wish to apply for.
Download the Information sheet- Eiffel Scholarship Master or in french Fiche Information – Bourse Eiffel – Niveau master
Download the Information sheet- Eiffel Scholarship Doctorat or in french Fiche Information – Bourse Eiffel – Niveau doctorat

For more information on Eiffel Scholarship 2023, consult the dedicated website

When to apply ?

The application calendar is determined by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, by the school for which you are applying for Eiffel Scholarship :
Calendar for 2023 session

  • Deadline for receiving of applications by « École Universitaire de Recherche d'Economie et de Management » : 25 november 2022 midnight
  • Publication of results by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs : week of 4 April 2023

Where to apply ?

Each application (information sheet + required documents) must be sent by email to the address:, before 25 november 2022 midnight.
The title of the email must be as follows APPLICATION EIFFEL SCHOLARSHIP 2023 + your NAME + your FIRST NAME

IMPORTANT : This process concerns only the training of « École Universitaire de Recherche d'Economie et de Management ». Consult the list of training here.